Reading, Writing, Punctuation, Books / Pānui, Tuhituhi, Kārawarawatanga, Pukapuka

English → Māori

A vocabulary list relating to written texts, including the teaching of these topics.

He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki te kōrero ā-tuhi, me te taha whakaako i ēnei kaupapa.

abbreviate, abbreviation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakapoto ~a ~nga

abstract text Noun

kōrero tūrehurehu (takenga mai: tū - in the manner of; rehurehu - indistinctly seen) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga waitara)

academic text (written) Noun

tuhinga kura wānanga

academic vocabulary, academic word Noun

kupu kura wānanga

accurate, correct, accuracy Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


acknowledge, acknowledgement Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamihi ~a

acrostic poem Noun

ruri rārangipū (takenga mai: ruri - poem; rārangi - to line up; pū - letter of the alphabet) (kupu kē atu: toikupu rārangipū)

action and adventure (story genre) Noun

paki mātātoa (takenga mai: mātātoa - be fearless, daring, intrepid)

adapt, adaptation Noun, Adjective, verb

urutau ~nga

advertise, advertisement, promote Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatairanga ~tia (takenga mai: whakatairanga - elevate, promote)

advice column, agony column Noun

tuhinga akoako (takenga mai: akoako - to give or take counsel) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga tohutohu)

affix, affixation Noun, verb

kuhi ~nga (takenga mai: kuhi - insert)

alignment (of text) Noun

tīaroaro (tuhinga)

allegory Noun

paki whakarite (takenga mai: paki - story; whakarite - to make like, liken to, compare) (kupu kē atu: kupu tairite)

alphabet Noun

arapū (kupu kē atu: wakapū)

alphabetical order Noun

raupapa arapū

ambiguous Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


amend Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatika ~ina (kupu kē atu: tapi)

annotation Noun

kupu tāpiri (takenga mai: tāpiri - to add on, supplement, append)

anonymous, anonymity Noun, Adjective

kirimuna (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; muna - be confidential, secret)

antagonist Noun

kiritoariri (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toa - champion, courageous; riri - battle, fight)

anthology Noun

paenga (kōrero) (takenga mai: paenga - perch, place where things are heaped up) (kupu kē atu: tōpūtanga [kōrero])

antonym Noun

kupu tauaro

apostrophe Noun

pakini (takenga mai: pakini - notch)

appendix Noun

āpitihanga (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement)

appropriate, to take Noun, Transitive Verb

pāhao ~tia (takenga mai: pāhao - borrow, acquire information stealthily)

archetype, archetypical Noun, Adjective

kirimūrau (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; mūrau - a person cited as a noteable example, byword)

argument, argue, contend Noun, Adjective, verb

tautohe ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: taukumekume, taupatupatu, tautohetohe, tohe)

audio book Noun

puka oro (takenga mai: oro - sound)

author's voice Noun

(te) hā o te kaituhi (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te kaituhi, [te] reo ake o te kaituhi)

autobiography Noun

haukiri (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; kiri - person, self; haurongo - biography) (kupu kē atu: haurongo whaiaro)

automatic, automaticity Adjective, Noun

aunoa (takenga mai: au - current; noa - spontaneously)

back cover Noun

uhi muri

back matter (of a book) Noun

tūtanga muri (o te pukapuka) (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division; muri - behind, coming after)

backslash, reverse slash Noun

rītaha whakamuri (tohu: \)

ballad Noun

ruri paki (takenga mai: ruri - poem; paki - story)

barking at print Noun, Transitive Verb

weteoro ā-kākā

basic vocabulary Noun

kupu waiwai

be comprehended, comprehension, comprehend, be aware Noun, Intransitive Verb


bias, biased Noun, Adjective, verb

haukume (takenga mai: haukume - to pull) (kupu kē atu: rītaha)

bibliography Noun

rārangi puna kōrero (takenga mai: rārangi - list; puna - spring [of water, well]; kōrero - information) (kupu kē atu: rārangi pukapuka, rārangi tohutoro)

biography Noun

haurongo (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; rongo - report, fame)

blog Noun

hauhiko (takenga mai: hau [hautaka] - journal; hau - be heard, published, report; hiko [matihiko] - digital; hiko - electronic) (kupu kē atu: rangitaki)

blogging Intransitive Verb

tuhi hauhiko (takenga mai: hauhiko - blog; hau - be heard, published, report; hiko [matihiko] - digital)

blurb, teaser Noun

(kupu) kāhakihaki (takenga mai: kāhakihaki - to pull, attract, entice) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakapoapoa)

body (of a book) Noun

puku (o te pukapuka)

bold Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tāmiramira ~hia (takenga mai: tā - to print; miramira - give prominence to, emphasise)

book Noun


brackets, parentheses Noun

taiapa (takenga mai: taiapa - to fence off)

brochure, pamphlet, circular, leaflet, flyer Noun

mātārere (takenga mai: mātārere - forerunner, harbinger)

bullet point Noun

tongi matā (tohu: •) (takenga mai: tongi - dot; matā - bullet)

buzzword Noun

kupu wheowheo (takenga mai: wheowheo - to buzz, hum, tingle)

(book) cover Noun

uhi (pukapuka)

capital letter, upper case Noun


caption Noun

whakapūaho (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to clarify, elucidate)

cartoon, comic strip Noun

pakiwaituhi (takenga mai: pakiwaitara - fiction story; tuhi - draw, adorn with painting)

catalogue, list Noun, Transitive Verb

rārangi ~tia ~tanga

cathartic, catharsis, emotional release Noun, Adjective, verb

whakamahea ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakamahea - to allay, clear away, dispel, calm)

causative prefix Noun

kūmua pūtake

centre justify Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatautika waenga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)

centrefold Noun

tahoratanga waenga (takenga mai: tahora - to spread out, lay out; whārangi tahora - double spread; waenga - middle)

chapter Noun


chapter book Noun

puka whai wāhanga

character Noun

kiripuaki (takenga mai: puaki - reveal, come forth)

characterise, characterisation Noun, verb

tārai kiripuaki ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tārai - to fashion, shape, sculpt; kiripuaki - character)

check Transitive Verb

āta tirotiro ~hia (kupu kē atu: hihira)

checklist Noun

rārangi tirotiro (kupu kē atu: rārangi hihira)

chorus, refrain Noun


classic story, classic Noun

pakitūroa (takenga mai: paki - story; tūroa - longstanding)

climax Noun

karamata (takenga mai: karamata - pinnacle, high point, peak)

close reading Noun, verb

pānui wetewete (takenga mai: wetewete - to untie, unravel)

cloze Noun

whakakī āputa (takenga mai: whakakī - to fill; āputa - be empty, a gap)

collate, collation (text) Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaemi (kōrero) ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: whakakao [kōrero])

collection (of literary works) Noun

kohinga (kōrero)

collocation Noun

kupu piritahi (takenga mai: piritahi - to be together)

colon Noun

kopirua (tohu: :) (takenga mai: kopi - fullstop; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: irarua)

column Noun

tīwae (takenga mai: tīwae - to divide, separate) (kupu kē atu: pou)

comma Noun

piko (tohu: ,) (takenga mai: piko - bent, curved)

complex text Noun

kōrero tuatini (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands) (kupu kē atu: kōrero matatini)

complexity (of text) Noun, Adjective

tuatini (o te kōrero) (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands)

compound word, blended word Noun

kupu pūhui

comprehension strategy Noun

rautaki aroā

concept book Noun

puka ariā

conclude, conclusion Noun, Transitive Verb

whakakapi ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: whakatepe)

conference, conferencing Noun, verb

wānanga ~tia (takenga mai: wānanga - to meet and discuss, deliberate, consider)

conflict Noun, Intransitive Verb

raru (kupu kē atu: raruraru)

conflict Noun

tutūnga o te puehu (takenga mai: tutū - to be stirred up; puehu - dust) (kupu kē atu: raruraru)

conjunction Noun


consonant Noun


consonant digraph Noun

orokati pūrua (takenga mai: pūrua - duplicate, do a second time)

content word Noun

kupu kiko (takenga mai: kiko - flesh, content, substance)

contents (of a book) Noun

ihirangi (takenga mai: ihi - separate, divide; rangi [rārangi] - list) (kupu kē atu: ngā kai o roto)

contents page Noun

whārangi ihirangi

context Noun


contextual cue Noun

tīwhiri horopaki

convention Noun


cookbook Noun

puka tunu kai

copy, duplicate Noun, Transitive Verb

tārua ~tia (takenga mai: tārua - repeat any process; tā - to print; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: pūrua)

copyright Noun

manatārua (tohu: ©) (takenga mai: mana - authority; tārua - copy, duplicate) (kupu kē atu: manatā)

corpus Noun

putunga kupu (takenga mai: putunga - heap, pile, stack) (kupu kē atu: putunga kōrero)

counterplot Noun

tāhū taupatupatu

couplet Noun

rārangi takirua

(book) cover Noun

uhi (pukapuka)

creative license Noun

awe auaha

creative process Noun

tukanga auaha

creative recount Noun

taki auaha

creative writing, creative text Noun

tuhinga auaha

creative, creativity, innovative Noun, Adjective, verb

auaha ~tanga

crime (story genre) Noun

paki taihara

critical feedback Noun

whakahokinga arohaehae

cursive script Noun

tuhi rere (takenga mai: rere - to flow)

danger, predicament, crisis, endangered Noun, Adjective, verb


dash Noun

tohuwhai (tohu: –) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; whai - to follow, pursue) (kupu kē atu: tā)

decipher verb

whakamatara ~hia (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel)

decode Noun, Adjective, verb

weteoro (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound; oro [oromotu] - phoneme)

decoding strategy Noun

rautaki weteoro (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound; oro [oromotu] - phoneme)

dedication Noun

kupu whakaihi (kupu kē atu: kupu whakamānawa)

define, specify, indicate Noun, Transitive Verb

tautuhi ~a

deify Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaatua ~tia ~tanga

describe, description Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaahua ~tia ~ hanga

descriptive writing, descriptive text Noun

tuhinga whakaahua

detailed information Noun

taipitopito kōrero

dialogue, conversation, communication, discussion Noun

whakawhitinga kōrero

diary Noun

rātaka (takenga mai: rā - day; taka - come around as a date or period of time)

dictionary Noun

papakupu (takenga mai: papa - box, chest; kupu - word)

digital broadcast Noun

pāhotanga matihiko

digital copy Noun

tānga matihiko

digital media Noun

arapāho matihiko

dilemma Noun, Intransitive Verb


dipthong Noun

oro tōpū (takenga mai: oro - sound; tōpū - assembled together, combined)

double spread Noun

whārangi tahora (takenga mai: tahora - to spread out, lay out)

draft Noun

tauira (kupu kē atu: tuhinga hukihuki)

dust cover, dust jacket Noun

hīpoki (takenga mai: hīpoki - covering)

dystopia Noun

ao houmate (takenga mai: hou - to enter; mate - sick, unwell, misfortune, calamity)

dystopian fiction Noun

paki houmate

(drama) script Noun

tuhinga (whakaari)

e-book, electronic book, digital book Noun

īpukapuka (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga o te 'e' [mō te electronic] mai i te reo Ingarihi) (kupu kē atu: puka matihiko, īpuka)

e-portfolio, electronic portfolio, digital portfolio Noun

īkōpaki (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga o te 'e' [mō te electronic] mai i te reo Ingarihi; kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete matihiko, īkete, kōpaki matihiko)

early reader, emergent reader Noun

kaipānui tōmua

early reading Noun

pānui tōmua

early reading activity Noun

ngohe pānui tōmua (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tō - belonging to, that of; mua - before, in front of)

early reading fluency Noun

pānui matatau tōmua

early writer, emergent writer Noun

kaituhi tōmua

early writing activity Noun

ngohe tuhi tōmua (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tō - belonging to, that of; mua - before, in front of)

edit Noun, Transitive Verb

takatā ~ngia (takenga mai: taka - to prepare; tā - to print, publish) (kupu kē atu: ētita [kupu mino], whakatika)

edition Noun


editor Noun

ringa takatā (kupu kē atu: ētita [kupu mino])

editorial Noun

hau ētita (takenga mai: hau - to be heard, spread [news]; ētita [kupu mino] - editor)

elision Noun

oronaki (takenga mai: oro – sound; naki – glide smoothly)

ellipsis Noun

tongi tāruarua (tohu: ...) (takenga mai: tongi - dot; tāruarua - repeated) (kupu kē atu: tongitoru)

em dash Noun

tohuwhai roa (tohu: –) (kupu kē atu: tāroa)

embargoed, confidential Intransitive Verb, Noun, Adjective

noho tapu (takenga mai: noho - remain; tapu - inaccessible, restricted, set apart)

emergent literacy Noun

mātau pitomata (takenga mai: pitomata [pito mata] - potential, literally the 'uncooked portion'.)

emergent reading Noun

pānui pitomata

emoji Noun

atapātuhi (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence, icon; pā - touch; tuhi - write; pātuhi - text) (kupu kē atu: pūatahanga)

emotive language Noun

reo kakare

emotive word Noun

kupu kakare (takenga mai: kakare – emotion, feeling, sentiment)

en dash Noun

tohuwhai poto (tohu: -) (kupu kē atu: tāpoto)

encode Noun, verb

tuhioro (takenga mai: tuhi - to write; oro - sound)

encyclopedia Noun

mātāpunenga (takenga mai: mātā - heap, receptacle packed with preserved fish or birds; punenga - be clever, intelligent)

endpaper, endsheet Noun

whārahi (takenga mai: whārahi - broad, wide; whā [whārangi] - page; rahi - large)

entertainment column, entertainment section Noun

tuhinga ngahau

environmental print Noun

tuhinga (o te) taiao

epilogue, afterword Noun

turukitanga (takenga mai: turuki - to come as a supplement, follow) (kupu kē atu: whakatepenga)

episode Noun

puni (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, set of offspring)

epitaph, song of affection for the dead Noun

maimai aroha (takenga mai: maimai - a type of lament for the dead; maimai aroha - expression or token of affection)

erotic novel, erotic fiction Noun

paki karihika

error, fault, miscue Noun, Intransitive Verb


essay Noun

tuhinga ā-kura

euphemism Noun

kupu whakamauru (takenga mai: whakamauru – placatory, appeasing) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakangāwari)

evidence, support with evidence Noun, Transitive Verb

taunaki ~tia ~tanga

excerpt, extract, passage, select, selection Noun, Transitive Verb

tīpako ~na (takenga mai: tīpako - to pick out, highlight, select)

exciting Adjective


exclamation mark Noun

tohuoho (tohu: !) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; oho - awaken) (kupu kē atu: tohuhā)

explicit information Noun

kōrero mataaho (takenga mai: mataaho - clear)

expository writing, expository text Noun

tuhinga whakamārama

expressive word Noun

kupu ihiihi

expressive, expressiveness Adjective, Noun


eye movement Noun

neke a te karu

Facebook Noun


fable, parable, folk tale Noun

kōrero tara (kupu kē atu: pakikīrehe)

fact, factual Noun, Adjective

meka (takenga mai: meka - true)

factual information Noun

kōrero pono (kupu kē atu: pārongo pono)

factual recount Noun

taki pono

falling intonation Noun


falter, stumble (of language) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


fantasy (story genre) Noun

paki pohewa

features of (written) text Noun

āhuatanga tuhi

flap (of a book) Noun

kopa (takenga mai: kopa - to be folded; kopa - satchel [with a flap lid])

flashback Noun, Intransitive Verb

karapa whakamuri (takenga mai: karapa - to glance, peek, scan; whakamuri - backwards)

flip chart Noun

papatuhi hura (takenga mai: papa - surface; tuhi - to write; hura - uncover)

font Noun


footer Noun

hiku (takenga mai: hiku - tail, rear)

footnote, endnote Noun

kupu āpiti (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement, append) (kupu kē atu: kupu tāpiri)

foreword Noun

kupu takamua (takenga mai: takamua - fore, front)

formal letter Noun

reta ōkawa

format, to lay out Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatakoto ~ria

forward slash Noun

rītaha whakamua (tohu: /)

free verse poem Noun

ruri māhorahora (kupu kē atu: toikupu māhorahora)

free writing Noun

tuhi māhorahora

front cover Noun

uhi mua

front matter (of a book) Noun

tūtanga mua (o te pukapuka) (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division; mua - in front, before)

frustration reading level Noun

taumata pānui whakararu

fullstop Noun

kopi (tohu: .) (kupu kē atu: irakati, tongi)

general information Noun

kōrero whānui (kupu kē atu: pārongo whānui)

general word, general term Noun

kupu whānui

genre Noun

kātū (kupu kē atu: momo )

glossary Noun

papakupu whāiti

gossip column Noun

tuhinga ngutungutu

grapheme Noun

orotuhi (takenga mai: oro - sound; tuhi - to write)

graphic novel Noun

pakimaero waituhi (takenga mai: waituhi - painting; waituhi [pakiwaituhi] - cartoon, animation)

group talk, group discussion Noun, Transitive Verb

matapaki ā-rōpū

guide word Noun

kupu arataki

guided reading Noun

pānui arahanga

guided writing Noun

tuhi arahanga (takenga mai: arahanga [arahi] - to lead; arahanga - bridge, ladder)

haiku (poem) Noun

haiku (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Hapanihi].)

handwritten text Noun

tuhinga ā-ringa

hanging indent Noun

nuku tārewa

hard cover Noun

uhi mārō

header Noun


heading Noun


headline Noun

upoko kōrero

headword Noun

kupu matua

hero, principal male character Noun


heroine, principal female character Noun


high frequency word Noun

kupu auau (kupu kē atu: kupu pū noa)

highlight Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tāmuramura (takenga mai: tā - to print; muramura - colourful, bright, vivid)

historical fiction Noun

paki aronehe (takenga mai: aro - pay attention to, be inclined towards; nehe - ancient times) (kupu kē atu: paki hītori)

historical recount Noun

taki aronehe

home page Noun

whārangi kāinga

homonym, homograph Noun

kupu huarite (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronounce; rite - be like)

horror (story genre) Noun

paki whakawehi (takenga mai: whakawehi - to frighten, horrify)

humour (story genre) Noun

paki pukuhohe (takenga mai: puku [pukukata] - laughing, hilarious; hohe [hohehohe] - wrinkled with laughter)

hypertext mark up language, HTML Noun

reo kuputoro (whakapotonga: HTML) (takenga mai: reo - language; kupu - word; toro - to visit, call on)

hypertext, hyperlink Noun

kuputoro (takenga mai: toro - to visit, go and see)

hyphen Noun

tohuwehe (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; wehe - to separate) (kupu kē atu: tohuhono)

hyphen Noun

tohuhono (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; hono - to join) (kupu kē atu: tohuwehe)

Instagram Noun

Paeāhua (takenga mai: pae - perch, bench; āhua [whakaahua] - image, photograph)

identify, identification Transitive Verb, Noun

tautohu ~a ~nga (takenga mai: tautohu - to identify, locate)

illustrative text Noun

tuhinga whakatauira (takenga mai: whakatauira - to illustrate, give an example)

imaginative recount Noun

taki pohewa (takenga mai: pohewa - to imagine, fancy, fantasize)

implicit information Noun

kōrero matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; huna - conceal, hide)

important information Noun

kōrero taikākā (takenga mai: taikākā - heartwood) (kupu kē atu: pārongo hira, kōrero mātuatua)

indent Noun, verb

nuku (takenga mai: nuku - to move)

independent activity Noun

mahi motuhake (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: ngohe motuhake)

independent reader Noun

kaipānui motuhake (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: kaipānui tūtahi)

independent reading Noun, verb

pānui motuhake (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)

independent reading level Noun

taumata pānui motuhake (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)

independent writer Noun

kaituhi motuhake (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: kaituhi tūtahi)

independent writing Noun

tuhituhi motuhake (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)

index Noun

kuputohu (takenga mai: kupu - word; tohu - guide, direct)

indirect speech, reported speech Noun

kī tāhapa (takenga mai: kī - to say, speak; tāhapa - not in the direct line [of whakapapa])

infix Noun

kūwaenga (takenga mai: kū - [kuhi] - insert; waenga - the middle)

information Noun

kōrero (kupu kē atu: pārongo)

innuendo Noun

kupu hāhuna (takenga mai: hā - tone, tenor; huna - to hide) (kupu kē atu: kī hāhuna)

inspiration Noun


instructional (written) text, instructional writing, procedural text Noun

tuhinga tohutohu (takenga mai: tohutohu - to instruct, advise,guide, direct)

instructional reading level Noun

taumata pānui whakaako

intensifier Noun

kupu whakarīrā (takenga mai: rīrā - strong)

interactive whiteboard Noun

papatuhi pāhekoheko (takenga mai: pāhekoheko - to combine, co-operate, interact)

interest word, personally significant word Noun

kupu anganui (takenga mai: anganui - to face directly towards)

international news Noun

rongo kōrero o tāwāhi

intonation pattern Noun

tauira hā

intonation, tone, inflection Noun

hā (kupu kē atu: wairua, tangi)

introduction, opening Noun


introduction, prologue Noun

kupu whakataki (takenga mai: whakataki - begin a speech or talk) (kupu kē atu: wāhinga)

issue Noun


italics Noun, Adjective


journal Noun

hautaka (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad, report; taka - come around as in a date or period of time)

journalism Noun, verb

haurapa kōrero (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, probe)

journalist Noun

kaihaurapa kōrero (kupu kē atu: kaikawe kōrero)

justify Transitive Verb

parahau ~tia (takenga mai: parahau - to defend, protect, justify)

justify Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatautika (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)

kern, kerning Noun, Intransitive Verb

tānekeneke pū (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; nekeneke - move about, manoeuvre; pū - letter)

keyword Noun

kupu tāpua (takenga mai: tāpua - significant, to stand out)

label Noun

tapanga (takenga mai: tapa - to call, name)

landscape (page format) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

nohopae (takenga mai: noho - to sit; pae - horizontal)

layers of information Noun

paparanga kōrero (kupu kē atu: paparanga pārongo )

leading Noun, Intransitive Verb

tānekeneke rārangi (takenga mai: tā- causative prefix; nekeneke - move about, manoeuvre)

leaf, sheet (of paper) Noun

raupepa (takenga mai: rau - leaf; pepa - paper)

learning need Noun

matea ako (takenga mai: matea - to be needed)

left indent Noun

nuku mauī

left justify Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatautika mauī (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)

legend, traditional story Noun


less important information Noun

kōrero taitea (takenga mai: taitea - sapwood)

letter Noun

reta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

letter (of the alphabet) Noun

lexicon Noun

puna kupu (takenga mai: puna - spring [of water], well)

library Noun

whare pukapuka

limited edition Noun

putanga kōtahitahi (takenga mai: kōtahitahi - be few) (kupu kē atu: putanga whāiti)

literal meaning Noun

tikanga hāngai (kupu kē atu: tikanga more)

literary award Noun

tohu mātākōrero

literary criticism Noun

arohaehae mātākōrero

literature Noun

mātākōrero (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; kōrero - text, prose)

literature review Noun

arotakenga mātākōrero (kupu kē atu: tātaritanga mātākōrero)

loanword, transliteration Noun

kupu mino (takenga mai: mino - to borrow) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakawhiti)

local news Noun

rongo kōrero o te haukāinga

long vowel Noun

oropuare roa (kupu kē atu: oropuare tō)

macron Noun

tohutō (takenga mai: tohu - symbol, mark; tō - to drag, pull)

magazine Noun

maheni (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: moheni [kupu mino])

main idea Noun

ariā matua

main story, feature, cover story Noun

kōrero matua

mainstream media Noun

arapāho auraki

margin Noun


mass media Noun

arapāho mātinitini

masthead Noun

pane (takenga mai: pane - head)

match Noun, Transitive Verb

tūhono ~a ~nga (takenga mai: tūhono - connect, join)

meaning Noun

aronga (kupu kē atu: tikanga)

meaningful context Noun

horopaki whai tikanga

media Noun

arapāho (takenga mai: ara - pathway; pāho - to be heard abroad as news)

mentor Noun

whakaruruhau (takenga mai: whakaruruhau - protector, shield, advisor, mentor)

mini-series Noun

punipuni (kōrero) iti

minimal pair Noun

kupu huatata (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronounce; tata - be close)

miscue analysis Noun, verb

tātari hapa

model, exemplify Noun, Adjective, verb

whakatauira ~hia (takenga mai: whakatauira - illustration, example, sample)

modelling book Noun

pukapuka whakatauira

monograph Noun

tuhinga arotahi

monotone Noun

hātahi (takenga mai: hā - intonation; tahi - one)

mood, feeling, atmosphere Noun


moral, essence Noun

iho (takenga mai: iho - heart, essence, pith)

multiple sources of information Noun

puna kōrero huhua

mystery (story genre) Noun

paki porehu (takenga mai: porehu - mysterious)

narrative writing, narrative text Noun

tuhinga paki

national news Noun

rongo kōrero o te motu

navigate (written text) Noun, Transitive Verb

pōkai (tuhinga) (takenga mai: pōkai - travel about)

nemesis, downfall Noun

whakahinga (kupu kē atu: whewheia)

neologism Noun

kupu hou

new vocabulary Noun

kupu hou

news Noun

rongo kōrero (takenga mai: rongo - tidings, report, fame)

newsletter Noun

pānui (takenga mai: pānui - to announce, notify)

newspaper Noun

nūpepa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: niupepa)

non-fiction Noun

pono (kupu kē atu: kōrero pono)

non-sequential plot, non-linear narrative Noun

tāhū whakahipahipa (takenga mai: whakahipahipa - irregular)

note Noun

kupu tīpoka (takenga mai: tīpoka [tīpokapoka] - taking some and leaving some)

note taking Noun, Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb

tuhi tīpoka (takenga mai: tīpoka [tīpokapoka] - taking some and leaving some)

notice, announcement Noun


novel Noun


nursery rhyme Noun

pao kōhungahunga

omitted text, omission, missing information Noun

kōrero i mahue (kupu kē atu: pārongo ngaro)

one-to-one matching Noun

tūhono pānga tahi (takenga mai: tūhono - join, connect; pā- to touch, to be connected with; tahi - one)

open-ended question Noun

pātai tuwhera

opus Noun

toi mananui (takenga mai: toi - art, knowledge; mana - prestige, high status)

oral language, verbal language, spoken language Noun

reo ā-waha

organisational feature (of written text) Noun

āhuatanga whakanahanaha (o te tuhinga) (takenga mai: nahanaha - be well arranged, in good order, systematic)

orthography, orthographic system Noun

pūnaha tātaki kupu

overview, outline Noun

tirohanga whānui (takenga mai: tiro - to view, look at; whānui - in general, broad, wide)

page Noun


palindrome Noun

kōaro rite (takenga mai: kōaro - be inverted, turned right around; rite - to resemble, be alike)

paper copy, hard copy Noun

tānga pepa

paragraph indent Noun

nuku kōwae

parody Noun

tāwhai pūhohe (takenga mai: tāwhai - to imitate, impersonate, mimic; pūhohe - mocking, laughing, cynical)

partner talk, pair discussion Noun, Transitive Verb

matapaki takirua

peer conferencing Noun

wānanga aropā (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree) (kupu kē atu: wānanga ā-hoa)

peer group Noun

aropā (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree)

peer review, peer evaluation Noun

arotake aropā (takenga mai: aropā - clump of trees of one species; aropā - peer group)

peer reviewer Noun

kaiarotake aropā (takenga mai: aropā - peer group; aropā - clump of one species of tree)

pen name, pseudonym, nom de plume Noun

ingoa tā (takenga mai: ingoa - name; tā - to print, write; tā - quill of a feather)

periodical Noun

tānga putuputu (takenga mai: tānga [tā] - to print; putuputu - frequently)

personal experience Noun

wheako whaiaro

personal journal Noun

rātaka whaiaro (takenga mai: rā - day; taka - come around, as a date or period of time; rātaka - diary; whaiaro - self)

personal letter Noun

reta whaiaro (takenga mai: whaiaro - person, self)

personal recount Noun

taki whaiaro

personal response Noun

urupare whaiaro (kupu kē atu: paremata whaiaro)

personify, personification Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatangata ~tia

persuade, persuasion, persuasive Noun, Adjective, verb

whakawhere ~a (kupu kē atu: whakakīkī, whakapakepake)

persuasive writing, persuasive text Noun

tuhinga whakawhere (kupu kē atu: tuhinga whakapakepake)

phoneme Noun

oromotu (takenga mai: oro – sound; motu – separated)

phonemic awareness Noun

aroā oromotu (takenga mai: oro - sound; motu - separated)

phonemic environment Noun

taiao oro

phonic knowledge Noun

mātauranga oromotu (takenga mai: oro - sound; motu - separated)

phonics Noun

ara whakaako weteoro (takenga mai: ara whakaako - teaching pathway; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)

phonological awareness Noun

aroā weteoro (takenga mai: wete - untie, unravel; oro - sound)

phonology Noun

mātai weteoro (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)

photojournalism Noun

haurapa whakaahua (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, probe; whakaahua - photograph, image; haurapa kōrero - journalism)

picture book Noun

puka whakaahua

plagiarise, plagiarism Noun, Transitive Verb

tārua whānako (takenga mai: tārua - copy; whānako - to steal)

plot Noun


poem, poetry, poetic Noun, Adjective

toikupu (takenga mai: toi - art, knowledge; kupu - word, utterance, message) (kupu kē atu: ruri, mōteatea)

poet Noun

kaitito toikupu

poetic writing, poetic text Noun

tuhinga toikupu

pointed question Noun


popup book Noun

puka mārangaranga (takenga mai: mārangaranga - to rise up, to bob up and down, popping up here and there)

portfolio Noun

kōpaki (takenga mai: kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete)

portrait (page format) Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

nohotū (takenga mai: noho - to sit; tū - upright)

positive feedback Noun, Transitive Verb


pre-reading Noun

pānui takamua

pre-reading activity Noun

ngohe pānui takamua (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; taka - to come around, as in a date or period of time; mua - in front of, before)

pre-writing activity Noun

ngohe tuhi takamua (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; taka - to come around, as a date or period of time; mua - in front of, before)

predict, prediction Noun, verb

matapae ~tia

preface Noun

kupu whakapuaki (takenga mai: whakapuaki - to reveal, disclose, express)

prefix Noun

kūmua (takenga mai: kū [kuhu] - insert; mua - in front of) (kupu kē atu: pīmua)

prequel Noun

paki ahumua (takenga mai: paki - story; ahu - to move in a certain direction; mua - the past, the time before)

preview Noun, Transitive Verb

huritao takamua (takenga mai: huritao - to consider, reflect on; taka - come round as a date or period of time; mua - before, ahead) (kupu kē atu: tiro takamua)

primary stress Noun

hau kaha

print Transitive Verb, Adjective

tā ~ngia

printer Noun

kaitā (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; tā - to print)

printing machine, printer Noun

pūrere tā

printing, manuscript Noun

tuhi motumotu (takenga mai: motumotu - to separate, sever)

prior knowledge Noun

mōhiotanga o mua (kupu kē atu: mātauranga o mua)

procedure Noun

hātepe (kupu kē atu: aramahi)

processing strategy Noun

rautaki whai māramatanga

productive vocabulary Noun

kete kupu whakaputa

proofread Noun, Transitive Verb

pānui whakatika

proofreader Noun

kaipānui whakatika (kupu kē atu: kanohi hōmiromiro)

propaganda Noun

kupu whakanewha (takenga mai: whakanewha - misrepresentation, deception, hoodwink)

protagonist Noun

kiritoa (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toa - champion, courageous)

protégé Noun

poipoinga (takenga mai: poipoi - to nurture) (kupu kē atu: paruhi)

provocateur Noun

kaiwhakapātari (takenga mai: whakapātari - to challenge, provoke)

public notice, classified advertisement Noun

pānui tūmatanui

publish, publication Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaputa ~ina ~nga

published book Noun

pukapuka matanui (takenga mai: matanui [tūmatanui] - public) (kupu kē atu: pukapuka whakaputa)

publisher Noun


publishing details Noun

taipitopito whakaputa

publishing information Noun

kōrero (mō te) whakaputa (kupu kē atu: taipitopito whakaputa)

punctuate, punctuation Noun, Adjective, verb

kārawarawa ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kārawarawa -division, subdivision; kārawarawa - mark of a stripe) (kupu kē atu: tohutuhi)

punctuation symbol Noun

tohu kārawarawa

purpose (of text) Noun

take (o te kōrero)

quartet (of literary works) Noun

puni takiwhā (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, offspring; punipuni [kōrero] - series [of literary works]; takiwhā - in fours)

question mark Noun

tohu pātai (tohu: ?)

questionnaire Noun

rārangi pātai (takenga mai: rārangi - list; pātai - question) (kupu kē atu: rārangi uiui, patapatai)

quote, quotation, direct speech Noun

kī horipū (takenga mai: kī - to say, speak; horipū - direct) (kupu kē atu: kī takitaki)

re-read Noun, Transitive Verb

pānui anō

read aloud Noun, Transitive Verb

pānui ā-waha

read for enjoyment Noun, verb

pānui pārekareka

read for information Noun, verb

pānui rapu mōhiotanga

read on Noun, Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb

pānui tonu (kupu kē atu: pānui whakamua)

read, reading Noun, verb

pānui ~tia ~tanga

readable, readability Noun, Adjective

māmā ki te pānui (takenga mai: māmā - easy)

reader (text for teaching reading) Noun

puka ako pānui

readership, audience (of readers) Noun

hunga pānui (kupu kē atu: minenga, whakaminenga)

reading fluency Noun

pānui matatau

reading scale, reading progressions Noun

poutama pānui (kupu kē atu: āwhata pānui)

reading strategy Noun

rautaki pānui

ream of paper Noun

haupū pepa (takenga mai: haupū - gather into a heap)

receptive vocabulary, passive vocabulary Noun

kete kupu torohū (takenga mai: torohū - be latent)

recipe book Noun

puka tohutao

record of progress Noun

mauhanga kokenga (takenga mai: koke - to move forward, progress)

record, documentation Noun

mauhanga (kupu kē atu: pūranga kōrero)

recount Noun, Transitive Verb

taki ~tākina

recreational reading Noun, verb

pānui runaruna (takenga mai: runaruna - pastime, hobby)

reference book Noun

pukatara (takenga mai: puka - book; tara [papatara] - storehouse; tara [whakatara] - invoke, consult)

reference catalogue, list of references Noun

rārangi tohutoro

reference, citation Noun

tohutoro (takenga mai: tohu - to mark, point out, show; toro - to explore, probe, visit)

refine Noun, verb

whakapai ake (kupu kē atu: whakahuatau)

remedial reading Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakawhanake pānui (takenga mai: whakawhanake - to develop, improve; pānui - to read)

repetitive text, repetitive speech Noun

kōrero tāruarua

report Noun

pūrongo (takenga mai: pūrongorongo - tell news, report) (kupu kē atu: rīpoata [kupu mino])

reprint, reprinted editon Noun

tānga hou

resolution, denouement Noun

tatūnga (takenga mai: tatū - to be settled, agreed)

response (to text) Noun, verb

urupare (ki te kōrero) ~nga

retell Noun, Transitive Verb

takirua ~tia (takenga mai: taki - to recite; rua - two)

review Noun, Transitive Verb

huritao takamuri (takenga mai: huritao - to consider, reflect on; taka - to come around, as a date or period of time; muri - behind, after) (kupu kē atu: tiro takamuri)

revised edition, new edition Noun

putanga whakahou

rhetorical question Noun

ui makihoi

rhyming book Noun

puka huarite

right indent Noun

nuku matau

right justify Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatautika matau (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)

rising intonation Noun


romance, love story Noun

paki whaiāipo

root (of a word), stem, base Noun

tumu (o te kupu) (takenga mai: tumu - foundation, stump, base)

running record assessment for reading Noun

aromatawai pānui haere (kupu kē atu: tātaringa pānui)

Snapchat Noun

Atapaki (takenga mai: ata - image, form; paki - story)

scan Noun, Transitive Verb

pānui kapokapo

scene (in a play) Noun

kāpeka (takenga mai: kāpeka - branch of a tree)

science fiction Noun

paki pohewa pūtaiao (takenga mai: pohewa - fantasy; pūtaiao - science)

scribe, writer Noun


(drama) script Noun

tuhinga (whakaari)

secondary stress Noun

hau iti

self-correct Noun, verb

whakatika whaiaro

self-monitor (language) Noun, verb

aroturuki whaiaro (i te reo) (takenga mai: aroturuki - monitor; whaiaro - self, person)

semantic cue Noun

tīwhiri tikanga (takenga mai: tīwhiri - clue; tikanga - meaning [of a word], definition) (kupu kē atu: tīwhiri aronga)

semicolon Noun

kopipiko (tohu: ;) (takenga mai: kopi - fullstop; piko - comma) (kupu kē atu: irapiko)

sequel Noun

paki ahumuri (takenga mai: paki - story; ahu - to move in a certain direction; muri - after, the future)

sequential plot, linear narrative Noun

tāhū raupapa

series (of literary works) Noun

punipuni (kōrero) (takenga mai: punipuni - brood, litter, set of offspring)

setting Noun

takiwā (takenga mai: takiwā - territory, space, time, period)

shape of a word Noun

(te) hanga o te kupu

shape poem Noun

ruri whai āhua (kupu kē atu: toikupu whai āhua)

shared reading Noun, verb

pānui ngātahi

shared writing, collaborative writing Noun

tuhi ngātahi

short story Noun


short vowel Noun

oropuare poto

side bar, side column Noun

poutaha (takenga mai: pou - column; taha - side)

sight vocabulary Noun

kete kupu āhukahuka (takenga mai: āhukahuka - to recognise)

sight word Noun

kupu āhukahuka

silent reading Noun, verb

pānui wahangū (kupu kē atu: pānui nohopuku)

skim read Noun, Transitive Verb

pānui ripiripi

slash Noun

rītaha (tohu: /) (takenga mai: rītaha - to lean on one side)

small letter, lower case Noun


soft cover, paperback Noun

uhi ngohe

sound out, enounce Noun, Transitive Verb

whakahua motumotu (takenga mai: whakahua - to say, pronounce; motumotu - be divided into isolated portions)

source of information Noun

puna kōrero

space, gap (between words and lines of text) Noun


specific information Noun

kōrero whāiti (kupu kē atu: pārongo whāiti)

speech bubble Noun

poihau kōrero (takenga mai: poihau - balloon)

speech mark, quotation mark Noun

tohukī (tohu: " " ' ') (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; kī - to say) (kupu kē atu: tohu kōrero)

speed reading Noun, Transitive Verb

pānui hohoro

spell, spelling Noun, Transitive Verb

tātaki (kupu) ~na (takenga mai: taki - recite, lead, bring along)

spellchecker Noun

pūmanawa tātaki kupu (takenga mai: pūmanawa [pūmanawa rorohiko] - computer software)

spine Noun


sports article, sports section Noun

tuhinga hākinakina

statement, declaration Noun


stop press, breaking news Noun

rongo inamata (takenga mai: rongo - tidings,report, news; inamata - immediately)

story, fiction, anecdote, yarn Noun, Adjective

paki (kupu kē atu: kōrero paki, pakiwaitara)

storyline Noun

(te) tāhū o te paki

strengthen, bolster verb

haukaha, whakahaukaha ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakakaha)

stress, accent Noun


structural word, function word Noun

kupu kōiwi (takenga mai: kōiwi - bone) (kupu kē atu: kupu rangaranga)

structure of text, text structure Noun

(te) rangaranga (o te) kōrero (takenga mai: rangaranga - structure of a speech etc) (kupu kē atu: hanganga)

student voice Noun

(te) hā o te ākonga (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te ākonga, [te] reo ake o te ākonga)

sub-plot Noun

tāhū iti (kupu kē atu: tāhū mātāmuri)

sub-theme Noun

kaupapa iti (kupu kē atu: kaupapa mātāmuri)

subheading Noun

upoko iti (kupu kē atu: upoko mātāmuri)

subject specific word, technical word, topic word, jargon Noun

kupu kaupapa (kupu kē atu: kupu whāiti)

subtitle Noun

ingoa iti (kupu kē atu: ingoa mātāmuri)

suffix Noun

kūmuri (takenga mai: kū [kuhu] - insert; muri - behind, after) (kupu kē atu: pīmuri)

summary, synopsis, abstract, precis, summarise Noun, Adjective, verb

whakarāpopoto ~hia

supplement Noun

āpitihanga (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement)

supporting information Noun

kōrero tautoko (kupu kē atu: pārongo hāpai, kōrero taunaki)

surprise, element of surprise Noun

whakaohooho ~tia (takenga mai: whakaohooho - to arouse, to awaken)

suspense Noun, Adjective, verb

poho tārewa (takenga mai: poho - chest, seat of affections; tārewa - to suspend, hang) (kupu kē atu: pohopā)

syllable Noun


symbol, symbolise Noun, Transitive Verb

tohu ~a

synonym Noun

kupu taurite

syntactical cue Noun

tīwhiri tātaikupu (takenga mai: tīwhiri - clue; tātaikupu - syntax; tātai - to arrange, set in order)

Twitter Noun

Tīhau (takenga mai: tīhau - twittering, chirping)

task, activity Noun

ngohe (kupu kē atu: mahi)

(written) text type, form of writing Noun

momo tuhinga

text, speech, discourse, prose, talk Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

kōrero ~tia ~tanga

text, texting Noun, Transitive Verb

pātuhi ~a ~nga (takenga mai: pā - to touch, strike; tuhi - to write)

textbook Noun

pukapuka matua (takenga mai: matua - main, principal) (kupu kē atu: pukamatua)

theme Noun


thesaurus Noun

papakupu taurite

thought bubble Noun

poihau whakaaro

thriller Noun

paki pohopā (takenga mai: pohopā - in suspense)

title page Noun

whārangi ingoa

title, name Noun


to tell a story in detail Transitive Verb, Adjective, Adverb

āmiki ~a

tome Noun

puka kūpara (takenga mai: puka [pukapuka] - book; kūpara - large, heavy, substantial)

transactional writing, transactional text Noun

tuhinga meka (takenga mai: meka - fact, to be true)

trilogy Noun

puni takitoru (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, offspring; punipuni [kōrero] - series [of literary works]; takitoru - in threes)

turning point Noun

taihuringa (takenga mai: tai - a prefix which has a qualifying force; huri - to turn)

typographical cue Noun

tīwhiri tātai tuhituhi

typography Noun

tātai tuhituhi (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order, deck out, beautify)

unambiguous Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

ariari (takenga mai: ariari - clear, obvious, apparent)

underline Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tāraro ~tia (takenga mai: tā - to print; raro - under)

unpublished book Noun

pukapuka mataiti (takenga mai: mataiti [tūmataiti] - private)

utopia Noun

ao houkura (takenga mai: houkura - be prosperous, peaceful)

utopian fiction Noun

paki houkura

verse, stanza Noun


view, lens, point of view, perspective Noun


visual cue Noun

tīwhiri ataata

visual language Noun

reo ataata (kupu kē atu: reo ā-tā)

visual literacy Noun

mātau reo ataata

visual text Noun

kōrero ataata (takenga mai: ataata [ata] - reflected image)

vocabulary Noun

kete kupu

volume (from within a set of books) Noun

huānga (o te kohinga pukapuka) (takenga mai: huānga - relative, member of the same hapū)

volume (of periodicals) Noun

huinga (tānga putuputu)

vowel Noun


vowel digraph, vowel blend Noun

oropuare pūrua (takenga mai: pūrua - duplicate, do a second time)

(written) text type, form of writing Noun

momo tuhinga

web page Noun

whārangi ipurangi

whole language method, whole language pedagogy Noun

ara whakaako whānui

word attack Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakamatara kupu (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel, untie)

word family Noun

whānau kupu

word list Noun

kuputaka (kupu kē atu: rārangi kupu)

word processing Noun, verb

patopato kupu

word processing software, word processing program Noun

pūmanawa patokupu (takenga mai: pūmanawa [pūmanawa rorohiko] - computer software)

word solving strategy, word attack strategy Noun

rautaki whakamatara kupu (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel, untie)

word, lyric Noun


write, notate Noun, verb

tuhi ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: tuhituhi)

writer, author, scribe Noun

kaituhi (kupu kē atu: ringatuhi)

writing convention, print convention Noun

tikanga tuhi

writing framework, writing template Noun

anga tuhituhi (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework, organisation)

writing portfolio Noun

kōpaki tuhituhi (takenga mai: kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete tuhituhi)

writing process Noun

tukanga tuhituhi

writing sample, sample text Noun

tauira tuhinga

writing style Noun

hātuhi (takenga mai: hā - essence, taste, tenor [of a speech]; tuhi - write) (kupu kē atu: tāera o te tuhituhi [he kupu mino])

written language Noun

reo tuhi

written literature Noun

mātātuhi (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; tuhi - to write)

written recount, chronicle Noun

tuhinga taki

written text, script, article (written) Noun

kōrero ā-tuhi (kupu kē atu: tuhinga)

yearbook Noun

pukapuka ā-tau